Right to Acquire and Right to Buy

Willow Tree Housing Partnership residents may be able to get a discount to buy the home they currently rent, this is called the Right to Acquire.  It is different from the Right to Buy, with a maximum discount currently available of between £9,000 and £16,000.

You do not automatically have the Right to Acquire, instead you need to meet the following requirements;

a) If your tenancy started after 18th January 2005 you need to have been a social housing tenant for at least 5 years.

b) Your home must have been built after 1st April 1997.

c) Your home must be your only home.

There are other criteria too, so please refer to the Goverment's website for more advice.

There are some rules about what happens when you sell your home, but as long as you live there as your main home for more than 3 years they should not apply. 

If you are interested please 'Contact Us' or download and complete the Right to Acquire (RTA1) form and send it to us.