Get Involved

Willow Tree Housing Partnership (WTHP) values and encourages feedback from our tenants to help shape the service we deliver, but also to provide scrutiny on how we are performing to support our collaborative continuous improvement ethos.

There are a variety of ways tenants can get involved from completing tenant satisfaction messages or feedback surveys, to focus groups, or you could become part of our Resident Scrutiny Panel.

We are continuously wanting to extend our reach and pool of involved tenants and if you would like to become involved to help shape the services that WTHP delivers then please do get in touch by emailing 

Ways to get involved include:

Resident Scrutiny Panel

On 5 September 2023 the inaugural WTHP Resident Scrutiny Panel met, a passionate and enthusiastic group of  8 tenants with extensive skills and experience from across our geographic area in the south-west have volunteered to be part of the panel.  The areas the panel may get involved in include:

o Ensuring landlord accountability so the tenant voice is heard and acted upon

o Performance scrutiny and complaints handling review

o Provision of feedback on policy or proposed changes

Tenant Satisfaction Surveys 

As part of our requirement as a larger landlord with over 1000 homes WTHP are required to complete annual tenant satisfaction surveys which will be sent to every tenant annually.  We would encourage everyone to take some time to complete the surveys and ensure your feedback is heard.

Communications Champions

Tenants can provide one off support to WTHP by providing feedback on new initiatives or products.  Prior to introducing the new website our involved residents had the opportunity to road test it and provide their thoughts.

Procurement Opportunities

As and when we need to procure new service delivery contractors we ask residents to become involved to help select the contractors working on behalf of WTHP and to ensure the service delivered meets the needs of residents.  

Recent examples of procurement involvement include the selection of our repairs and maintenance contractors and our gas servicing and installation contractor. 

If you have any questions or queries then please 'Contact Us'.