Resident Surveys/Satisfaction

To help improve our services, it is crucial we know about your experiences and opinions.  Central to this is resident satisfaction information which we gather through surveys.

Currently, after every repair is completed, a text is sent to our resident to gain an overall opinion of the service received.

Going forward, like all housing associations, we will be gathering responses to a range of satisfaction measures set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. As we have over 1000 homes, from autumn 2024, we will be required to publish these.

Along with every other social landlord in the UK, in June 2023 we conducted a survey into tenant satisfaction. We commissioned an independent company called Acuity to gather this data; the results of the survey will be available in Autumn 2023.

The results of the survey carried out in November/December 2022 have been included in the Resident Involvement Review.