Completed Developments

Our most recent completed development ...

North Newton, Somerset

Once again we worked with local developer, Gadd Properties, to deliver two new 3 bedroom houses in North Newton.

This small site only has 6 units in total and has been built on a former farmyard.

The affordable rent properties have been built to nationally described space standards (NDSS) so provide good sized family homes and have air source heat pumps. 

To find out more about the completed developments below, please click on the photo  ....

North Petherton,

Somerset, 2024

Completed Developments - North Petherton Shared Ownership 1024x682


Devon, 2023

Home Page Crapstone Line Of Houses 1024x682

Post Hill, Tiverton,

Devon 2022

Completed Developments - Post Hill External 1024x682

Stoke St Gregory,

Somerset 2021

Completed Developments - Stoke St Gregory Declared Open 1024x682

Brent Knoll,

Somerset 2021

Completed Developments - Brent Knoll Rented Plots 1024x682


Somerset 2021

Completed Developments - Berrow Scheme Opening 1024x682


Somerset 2021

Completed Developments - Wedmore External Houses 1024x682


Devon 2021

Completed Developments - Tavistock Plots 1024x682